If you are subscribing to Rueda.Casino there are a few different ways to find the videos and to navigate in them. With over 100 videos it may be useful to have an efficient way to find the videos you are looking for.


This is really the only address you need, where you will find all the other links. However, there are a few alternative ways in: .


Shortcut to the Vimeo subscriber channel, with all the vod (video on demand) videos.


The Vimeo profile page, with all the videos you have access to (when you are logged on to vimneo), including subscriber videos and free videos.


Shortcut to the Vimeo playlists for Rueda.Casino figures. If you clocik on follow on the playlists, you get a notification whenever they are updated. – Rueda de Casino beginner level / improver level / intermediate level / advanced level – Ruedastandard – SalsaNor video archive – Casino figures – Rueda figures, Rueda combinations


Shortcut to the Ruedastandard section at rueda.casino, with video list, printable list, and history.


Shortcut to more Rueda figures, figures that are not in the Ruedastandard, divided in levels and categories, to make it easier to find videos you are looking for. And Casino figures,