We hope you find our rueda.casino platform useful. We are planning some exciting changes to further improve our video platform, and we would like to keep you updated on these improvements. If you agree to be updated, please sign-up

Esperamos que encuentres nuestra plataforma rueda.casino útil. Tenemos planes interesantes para mejorar el plataforma de videos, y nos gustaría mantenerte al día de esas mejoras. Si estás de acuerdo y quieres recibir notificaciones, por favor elige ‘Sign-up’

The rueda.casino Facebook page
(facebook.com/ruedadotcasino) is used to post updates of new videos and other news. To receive Facebook notification, please choose to follow or like the page.

The rueda.casino Facebook group
(facebook.com/groups/ruedadotcasino) is used for discussions and feedback from other dancers and subscribers. To join the conversation, please request mambership in the group. To receive Facebook notification on activity in the group, please adjust your group settings accordingly.

For privacy reasons Facebook needs your permission to be loaded.
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The rueda.casino Vimeo channel contains an email list. Vimeo automatically sends an email to everyone on the list a couple of hours after a new video is published, which normally is every Sunday. Sometimes more often.
The rueda.casino team has access to the list, and may also use it occationally for a newsletter or similar.

To register for this email list, please select Receive Updates on the rueda.casino Vimeo channel:

Vimeo playlist updates

The number of available videos from rueda.casino is increasing constantly. With around 200 videos, we have created a set of rueda.casino playlists. To receive a Vimeo notification when new video is added to a rueda.casino playlist, please go to the playlists of your interest, and select Follow.


Rueda.Casino is gradually releasing more and more of it`s content to YouTube, free for you to use non-commercial. We highly reccomend subscribing to our YouTube channel. You can do that by visiting our channel, or simply clicking subscribe on the button below: