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dile que no

“Dile que no” is used in most of the open position casino figures, so it is important to know the technique well. 
It will usually pay off to practice this figure often when starting to learn casino. 


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el dedo

El dedo combines several of the important technique elements from the beginner level:
ladies’ right turn (dile quie si), ladies’ left turn (enchufla), men’s right (outward) turn, dile que no.


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Note that how to do the actual steps in this figure may depend on the music,
the more groovy (/ tumbao) the music, the more focus on body movement and less on moving your feet. 

There are several ways to exit cubanito:
dile que no, ladies’ left turn (enchufla) with hand behind leader’s back / hand above leader’s head.
It is also possible to combine this with going directly into cubanita, el dedo, sombrero or other figures.


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This figure is very similar to cubanito, also regarding the footwork.

And there are also several ways to exit cubanita, most of them starting with enchufla,
or just lifting the left arm and go directly to dile que no.


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cubanito > cubanita
cubanita > cubanito

The video shows how to go directly from cubanito to cubanita. And also back to cubanito from cubanita.


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aguajea / paseala / adentro y afuera

This figure has several common names.
Note the 2 variations of footwork in this figure. We recommend to start with the easiest one at this level,
and get back to the figure to work on the corss-steps after some practice.

Tip: practice this figure (aguajea) followed by dile que no, and be aware of
the difference in how it is led with the leader’s left arm (arm up in aguajea, arm down in dile que no).  

