Street Rueda refers to the easy figures that you may pick up on the street or in a social rueda, as opposed to learning it at a dance school.These are short and fun figures to be used in typically a social rueda, on the street, at a party, and where the dancers might not know the figures already. |
Ruedastandard figures
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una media
= one in the middle
One clap to the centre of the circle.
fly, linea, rolin
= fly ball, straight ball, rolling ball (from baseball)
These figures are also possible to use in closed position.
= last name, and the name of a former social club in Havana
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una foto
= photo
The command stops the movement, preferably with a pose, as if a photographer was present.
It is similar to la madre, but una foto has more of a pose.It is commonly used at the end of a song, but it may also be used inside a song, either to stop to align with people who got lost in the dance. To continue the dance, different commands may be used, depending on the position, for example se fue, dame una, una media, dile que no, etc.
= repeat
The command repite is used to do repeat the previous figure. It is commonly used for the shorter figures, like exhíbela. It may also be used for commands with long names, like patin pa’mujeres, or a sequence of commands, like enchufla y arriba y dos abajo, – especially to save time if the music is fast.
If a caller calls out a command that some of the coulpes misses or something else goes wrong, calling repite afterwards is a common way to signal to the dancers in the rueda that they get another chance of making the figure right.
For example:
- sacala > repite
- dame directo > repite
- enchufla y arriba y dame dos p’abajo > repite
= zero
ni pa’ti ni pa’mi
= neither for you nor for me
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doble play
= double play (baseball term)
= yogurt
= muffin / pancake
= kidding
The command mentira! is used to abort a call. In most cases it is just the caller playing around, but in some cases it is also used to clean up a chaos. For example if the caller discovers that he gave one command but started doing another figure, then he might abort with mentira! (or quédate).
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saca agua del pozo
= fetch water from the whell
This is a reference to a very traditional action, to pick up water from a whell.
= greet
Saluda is a very simple figure, and it emphasizes an important perspective in Rueda de Casino: the contact not only with your partner and the caller, but also with your neighbour (la vecina / el vecino). This caommand is also useful in Rueda structures like Rueda llanta, to recognize you new neighbour after the different partner changes.
There is also a modern variation of saluda, saluda a lo moderno.
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americano, americana
= american (male, female)
The figure should ideally be danced with a bit of a Cubanized hip hop style, like a Cuban showing a parody of an american hip hop dancer.
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tiempo España arriba, abajo
= typically Spanish forward, backward
This figure is essentially the same as vamos arriba, but the style is different. In vamos arriba the style is regular Cuban style with a lot of movement, tiempo España indicates closer and more upright style, like in the Spanish dances from the colonial era, with less movement. The figure is used occacionally, as a comment to the dance style ages ago.
enchufla con Manolin
= Manolin (Cuban artist)
Manolin is a Cuban salsa/timba artist, who is quite famous for the movement in this Rueda figure. His nick name is “el medico de la Salsa” (the doctor of salsa).
principe bueno, principe malo
= good prince, bad prince
dame p´atras
= give me one behind
= sit her down
mata la cucaracha
= kill the cockroach
media doble
= middle double
enchufla con Rumba
= ‘enchufla’ with Rumba
dame rapido
= give me quickly
enchufla y escondete
= connect her and hide
trick her
alarde = show-off (one, two “alarde”s)
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cero con giro
= “cero” with turn (zero with turn)
enchufla con palma y pata’
= ‘enchufla’ with clap and kick (connect her with clap and kick)
Creator: Yohan Corrioso