If you combine rueda torno  with rueda llanta  and rueda mixta you get a kaleidescope of patterns. The combination of these three structures is also called rueda caleidoscopio.

Rueda caleidoscópio requires an even number of couples, preferably not less than 8 couples, and you need fairly experienced rueda dancers.


New positions

Rueda caleidescopio will result in a few more new positions, similar to the radios (spokes) positions in rueda torno: llanta radios (llanta spokes) and radios largas (long spokes).

This universe of variations can easily be associated with a caleidescope, hence the name. It requires an even number of couples, preferably not less than 8 couples, and you need fairly experienced rueda dancers.


Still developing

This is not a very fixed structure, it is more of a frame for exploring new variations of combining several of the previously developed rueda structures.



It is a bit hard to visualize this complexity only from text, so here is a video from a rueda torno workshop by Jaroslav Hluch at the SalsaNor Rueda Congress 2016 in Trondheim, where Jaro is also including elements from rueda caleidoscopio:


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Transitions and positions

If you want to dig deeper into the positions and transitions of rueda caleidoscopio, here is an illustration of connections between rueda de casino, rueda torno, rueda llanta and rueda mixta: