In rueda contrario every second leader changes partner in opposite direction (contrario means opposite). But only when the call “contrario” is added, like for example in “enchufla contrario“.

The leaders/men are divided into two teams:

  1. primeros (team 1): the caller + every second leader
    change partner in the regular direction (abajo), and inside the segundo leader
  2. segundos (team 2): the other leaders
    change partner in arriba direction, between the follower and the primero leader

The followers/women don’t have a fixed role, but they have to be prepared for the leader coming from right or left, and sometimes in short notice.



There are not really transitions from rueda de casino to rueda contrario, like in several other rueda structures. But if the caller is planning on calling rueda contrario, the dancers need to be prepared for it. Otherwise they will not know immediately what direction to go for a partner change.

How to prepare for rueda contrario:

  • Make sure you have an even number of couples. No ghosts (single leaders or follows).
  • Prepare for the first rueda contrario command by calling “primeros un fly” or “segundos un fly” or similar, until all the leaders know which role they have


Dancing rueda contrario

The concept itself is easy enough to be used in a social rueda, as long as you avoid having one extra couple join during the song. This will kill the contrario option for the rest of the song, unless one more couple enters or exits the circle.

Examples of standard figures that work well adding contrario:

  • enchufla contrario
  • dame una > dame contrario
  • vacílala y dame contrario
  • patin contrario
  • un tarro contrario
  • enchufla < whatever > contrario (f.ex. enchufla con mambo contrario, etc.)
  • festival de pelota contrario
  • ya tu sabes y dame contrario

More complicated figures:

  • enchufla dos contrario (= enchufla y dame dos contrario)
  • enchufla con vuelta contrario
  • enchufla contrario y al revés

Some possible figures to explore, probably with some adjustments:

  • Tumba Francesa contrario



RUEDA.CASINO has currently published 1 video of rueda contrario. 2 more videos are recorded and are being prepared for the video channel.

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The origin of rueda contrario


The primeros in the videos are wearing red bands, corresponding to the red tag on the shoulder in the illustrations.

More videos are being prepared for the video channel, showing the basics, and a full song demonstration.

Figures in the videos include:

  • enchufla contrario
  • enchufla con vuelta contrario
  • enchufla dos contrario
  • dame una
  • dame contrario
  • vacílala y dame contrario
  • enchufla contrario
  • enchufla doble contrario
  • festival de pelota contrario
  • enchufla con vuelta contrario
  • enchufla dos contrario
  • Tumba Francesa
  • familia contrario
  • patin contrario



Rueda contrario was created in 2009-10 by Nikola Medic. It was first presented in Munich in 2010 by Nikola Medic’s team Havana en Belgrado. He named the two teams in rueda contrario “dame” (primeros) and “una p’arriba” (segundos). He emphasizes a slice-of-pizza idea during the partner changes: the primeros moving straight to the center and out backwards not facing the girl, to avoid crashes during the partner changes, especially when the music is speedy.

You can listen to Nikola explain more about the origin in the videos above on this page.

Rueda mujeres contrario was created in 2017 as an extension to rueda contrario.


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