Rueda llanta is one of the first complex rueda structure that was created, in the year 2000. In rueda de casino, couples are dancing in a circle, while rueda llanta is a big rueda / circle consisting of small two-couples ruedas.

To dance rueda llanta, you need 8 or 10 couples (or more). It is possible with 6 couples, but more difficult. More than 10 couples is ok, as long as it is an even number of couples. It is possible to do rueda llanta with more than 100 couples, used at the SalsaCamp in 2015.

In rueda llanta, switching partner may be done in two different contexts:

  1. in the small circles
  2. in the two big circles – the inner circle dancing rueda por fuera and the outer circle dance regular rueda de casino

BIG CIRCLES: Rueda llanta means wheel rim. In rueda llanta the term “llanta” is refering to the big circles.
SMALL CIRCLES: The small circles are regular 2-couples-ruedas, also called rueda con dos parejas, or referred to as “pequeña” (= small).


Common for rueda llanta variations

    • The rueda consists of small ruedas with two couples
    • In open position, the inner big circle forms a rueda por fuera, and the outer big circle forms a regular rueda de casino
    • It is possible to change partner in the small circles or in the big circles
    • It is possible to transit from regular rueda de casino to rueda llanta with a transition command, and likewise transiting back with a transit command


Differences in rueda llanta variations

Today there are at least 3 different variations of rueda llanta in use in Europe. Here is a presentation of the similarities and the differences between the 3 variations (as far as we know).

The most signifficant difference is the principle for partner change (first row).


Original version
with default partner change in
the small circle
with default partner change in
the previous circle
1. Partner change Always in big circles, except for the call dame (una), which implies a partner change in the small circles. Default in the small circles.

If the call contains grande change in the big circles, for example: enchufla grande. (Previously llanta instead of grande.)

Default in the previous circle of a partner change.

Switch if the call contains llanta (big) or dos parejas (small).

2. How to change partner in the big circles Leaders move, followers stay Leaders and followers move equally Leaders and followers move equally
3. Naming of the circles No need, circles are not referred to in the calls Big: grande
Small: pequeña
Big: grande
Small: dos parejas
4. Rueda formations (Not sure. If used, most likely to be in the big circles.) Same principle as for commands with partner change, for example:
Tumba Francesa grande.
Same principle as for commands with partner change, for example:
dos parejas Tumba Francesa
5. “Soulmates” The two followers from the small circle Inner leader + outer follower,
inner follower+ outer leader
Inner leader + outer follower,
inner follower+ outer leader
6. Transition:
rueda de casino >
rueda llanta
Call: llanta Call: llanta or rueda llanta Call: llanta
7. Transition:
rueda llanta >
rueda de casino
Call: babosa Call: una rueda
or cambia a una rueda
(or babosa)
Call: una rueda
Demonstration Video below


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Rueda llanta workshop, Alberto Valdes

It is also possible to add a dimension of separating commands for the two big circles. This is mainly explored by Knut Leiss:
– Outer big circle: fuera | Inner big circle: dentro | Both big circles: todos
– Separate caller in one of the big circles: fuera con <name> | dentro con <name>, and back to one caller: todos con migo.

#4: Rueda formations: rueda figures with different basic steps than open/closed position, like Tumba Francesa, a lo cortico, etc. (For more information see the various rueda formations on the various levels.)

#5: “Soulmates” is a term introduced by Knut Leiss, used to describe who in the small circle will still be in the same small circle after one partner change in the big circles (dame llanta, enchufla llanta, etc.).


Why dance rueda llanta?

Because it is a fun challenge. It is more dynamic than rueda de casino, and in rueda llanta it is also challenging for the women to follow the regular flow.
You get to dance both in a small rueda and in a bigger rueda almost at the same time, so this is not likely to get anything close to boring.
There are a few challenges using this structure socially; everyone has to know the basics of rueda llanta. Also, one more couple on the fly will kill the rueda, if more people are joining during the song it has to be to couples at the same time.



Rueda llanta was created by Alberto Valdes (Cuba/Cyprus) in the year 2000. It was taught at the SalsaNor Rueda Congress for the first time in Aarhus in 2012.

