Rueda mixta means mixed rueda. This structure is sort of a mix between rueda por fuera and rueda cruzada. Like in rueda cruzada, the rueda mixta needs an even number of couples.


Every second couple is facing out (pa’fuera) and the others are facing in (pa’dentro). Partner change is done only between the couples with the same orientation, so a pa’fuera couple change with the next pa’fuera couple. In rueda mixta everyone dances on the same beat, as opposed rueda cruzada.

Partner change – followers travel

The crucial element in rueda mixta is the partner change. In a regular partner change like in enchufla, all the travelling is done inside the circle. To prevent the travellers from running into each other, all the travelling should be done in the same direction. This means that the leaders in the pa’dentro couples are travelling, together with the followers from the pa’fuera couples.

Yes, you read this right! The women (followers) facing out are travelling to the next man (leader) facing out.


To transit to and from regular rueda de casino you need to flip every second couple.

Command: enchufla mixta
The primeros (the caller’s team) do an enchufla flip, and the segundos (the rest) do enchufla guapea.
The same call will transit back to regular rueda de casino (the primeros will be the ones flipping again).

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RUEDA.CASINO is working on 3 videos of rueda mixta, focusing on understanding how it looks, how it works and the history behind it. To be published in 2022: The basics of rueda mixta, The origin of rueda mixta, Rueda mixta demonstration.


Rueda mixta workshop


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Rueda mixta, from Rueda by Norika in Slovakia, with Jaro Hluch calling



Rueda mixta was created by José Baretto around 2014-15, with help from Sassan Alivaliollahi.
It was taught at the SalsaNor Rueda Congress for the first time in Stavanger in 2017.

Rueda mixta has later been explored more, and is involved in the developement of other rueda structures, like rueda caleidoscopio and rueda treból infinita.


