torno = lathe,
a machine to make figures and patterns from various materials.

In rueda torno you turn the orientation of the couples all the time. These turns may be a quarter turn (90 degrees) or a half turn (180 degrees). The orientation pa’dentro (= regular rueda de casino, open position) and pa’fuera (= rueda por fuera) are quite common, but rueda torno also introduces two new orientations: foco (focus) and luminoso (luminous). In the two new orientations (foco and luminoso) the couples are oriented on lines from the centre of the circle, similar to spokes on a wheel (spokes = radios in Spanish). 

The 4 orientations of rueda tornopa’dentro  –  pa’fuera  –  foco  –  luminoso



We have produced 3 videos of rueda torno, focusing on understanding what it is, how it works and the history behind it.   

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#1: The basics of rueda torno

Illustrated with graphics to explain the traffic rules of rueda torno


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#2: Demonstration of rueda torno

A full song of rueda torno, open and closed position


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#3: The origin of rueda torno

Rueda torno was invented in 2014 by Anders R. Henriksen from Denmark 


Video preview

A brief summary of the 3 rueda torno videos:

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Rueda torno, video teaser


Rueda torno workshop

Video from the first rueda torno workshop at the SalsaNor Rueda Congress, held in 2016 in Trondheim by Jaroslav Hluch. In this workshop Jaro is also expanding the rueda torno idea using elements from rueda caleidescopia, where rueda torno is combined with rueda llanta and rueda mixta. Video by Marit K. Amundsen.


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Rueda torno workshop by Jaro Hluch, 2016


Transit commands

Here is an overview of how to change the orientation in rueda torno.
The numbers correspond to the arrows in the illustration.

  1. Quarter turn counterclockwise:
    • enchufla torno
  2. Quarter turn clockwise:
    • tornote
  3. / 4. Half turn:
    • enchufla flip
    • cambio
    • cambio la direccion
  4. Between pa’dentro and pa’fuera:
    • adentro / por fuera
  5. Between the two spokes positions:
    any regular partner change will change the orientation, for example:
    • dame una
    • enchufla
    • la prima
    • etc.


A regular partner change (like dame una) in the spokes orientations (foco and luminoso) is made toward the couple “in front”, ending with change of direction. So if you dance dame una from foco, you end up in luminoso



Rueda torno was created in 2014 by Anders R. Henriksen, and taught at the SalsaNor Rueda Congress for the first time in Trondheim in 2016. 


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