Rueda treból infinita is a variation of rueda treból, designed specifically for 6 couples. It could work also with 9 couples, but it is more difficult to get together 9 couples to dance rueda treból. It is further modified from rueda treból by using concepts from rueda mixta that allow for a unique configuration of “overlapping pequeñas”, a third way of changing partners (i.e. 2 couple infinitas) and partner changes in the mixta style where leaders stay in position and follows travel.

The following graphic shows the transitions from traditional rueda to rueda treból (R3 configuration) and to rueda treból infinita (R3X configuration) with the command enchufla mixta.

Graphics by Sassan



Transition to a normal rueda treból configuration for 6 couples with the command rueda treból
and back with the call recógela.

This yields: 2 – 3 couple pequeñas, a 2-couple p’afuera inner grande and a 4-couple p’adentro outer grande as in normal rueda treból, AND ALSO, 3 – 2 couple infinitas. The 2 – couples in the center position assume the “role of cantantes” and so, the role of the cantantes is “positional”, rather than “designated”, i.e. always the center 2 couples. The 2 – couples in the center position are both a “grande” rueda and an infinita rueda; partner changes in the back-to-back R3 configuration are done in the “mixta” style. i.e. leaders stay and follows travel.

The following graphic shows the new classification of partner change possibilities, i.e. the 2 – couple “infinita groups”.

Calling, partner changes and traffic management

So now we have 3 ways to change partners: in the pequeña, in the grande and in the infinita. Pequeña (3-Couple) partner changes are default for normal calls, i.e. enchufla, prima, etc.. Grande and infinita figures/changes have to be called just as in rueda llanta or in rueda treból, i.e. enchufla grande or prima infinita.

Note: In this R3 configuration, the inner p’afuera grande / center infinita must do partner changes as in rueda mixta, i.e. leads stay home, follows travel.


Transition from rueda treból (R3) to rueda infinita (R3X)

Transition commands to the overlapping R3X treból infinita and back to rueda treból with the mixed command: enchufala mixta.

Outer grande couples do enchufla guapea (enchufla for her, enchufla for him and back to guapea). Inner grande / infinita couples do enchufla flip, (also called enchufla media vuelta).

Graphics by Sassan 


Note 1: Now the 2, 3-couple (R3X) Pequeñas are overlapping, because the inner couples have changed to the opposite 2 Grande couples to form their pequeñas. The inner Grande/Infinita couples are Adentro and can make their partner changes in the normal way.

Note 2: Important traffic control rules:
When doing pequeña changes in the overlapping (R3X) configuration, the leaders from the central position need to exit before the leaders from outside move to the central positions because the paths are crossed. With good synchronized dancing, this should occur naturally, mas o menos, but be aware.

When making partner change figures or doing walking figures, dancers should always move to the next position of the pequeña, grande or infinita on each 8 count.


Why dance rueda treból infinita?

For one, it’s quite a challenging and interesting new configuration of rueda de casino. The challenging aspect for the caller is knowing what kinds of rueda figures will work in each of the configurations. Dancing is challenging in terms of the multiple partner and direction change options.

Secondly, as with all rueda structure configurations, rueda treból infinita is useful to know for use in choreographs and performances or to highlight a particular pattern.



Rueda treból infinita was developed in the summer of 2016 by Dave Mahoney (Eugene Casineros, Oregon, USA) around 2016, with help from Sassan Alivaliollahi and Jose Barretto. It was taught at the SalsaNor Rueda Congress for the first time in Stavanger in 2017.

