These videos show standard rueda figures, the most important to know if you want to dance rueda socially.
Click on a figure to scoll down to the video:
Estos videos muestran figuras de rueda estándar, las más importantes para saber si quieres bailar rueda socialmente.
Haga clic en una figura para desplazarse para el video:
= Figures with video
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Closed position | Posición cerrada
vamos arriba, vamos abajo
dile que no
Open position | Posición abierta
dame / dame una / dame otra
dame dos
dos con dos
dame una arriba
enchufla doble
enchufla y quedate
enchufla con mambo
dame directo
pelota uno, dos, tres
festival de pelota
sombrero con mambo
la prima
prima con la hermana
la familia
Street rueda | Rueda de la calle
fly, linea, rolin
ni pa’ti ni pa’mi
Rueda topics | Temas de rueda
Social rueda de casino
with a Cuban caller
How to start a rueda | Como iniciar una rueda
Closed position |
vamos arriba, vamos abajo |
= let’s go upward, let’s go downward There are a few different ways to call moving forward (arriba): Going backwards (abajo) is similar, but some rueda dancers will move backward in a straight manner, while others are used to always lead the ladies in and out whil moving backward, like in paseala para abajo. Common variations of the call for moving backwards are: |
tarro |
= horn (or in street slang: affair) There are different meanings of the word tarro. Dictionaries usually focus on tarro meaning a jar. Notice that the figure is danced differently when called when moving forward (vamos arriba) and moving backwards (vamos abajo). Whoever is walking forward (leader or follower) is the one moving to the next partner, while the one moving backwards are stepping in place until a new partner arrives. |
exhibela |
= show her off This command is similar to sacala, used in open position. Most Cubans understand exhibela and sacala as the same figure. There is a slight difference though. |
dile que no |
= tell her no This is probably the most important Cuban salsa figrue. If you don’t get this right, you will always struggle a bit with rueda, and casino / Cuban salsa. Almost every partner change in rueda will include a dile que no, even though it is not called explicitly, for instance enchufla and dame una. |
Open position |
dame |
= give me This may be the most common call in rueda, a simple partner change.
dame dos |
= give me two This figure is like dame una, but the men go to the second lady (in abajo direction), not the first lady. Because of the longer distance, the men need to start moving as soon as the previous lady passed them, on 6. A classic sequence of commands is: dame una > dame dos > dos con dos. It is not common to call dame dos from the basic step (guapea), because you have to react so fast that it feels pointless. However, sometimes you may hear the call dame tres (give me three, so partner number three). If the dancers go all in on getting there in time, don’t be surprised if the caller calls ¡mentira! just for fun. |
To be continued .. |