Here are a few available books that might be helpful:



Salsa Dancing & Rueda de Casino Guidebook

for Beginner to Advanced Dancers

2024, English, author: Barbara Bernstein (USA)




Rueda de Casino Syllabus: Teaching 101

2021, English, author: Nikol Kontouri (Greece)




Que rueda de casino é essa?

Uma união entre teóricos e prácticos

2021, Portuguese, author: Bruno Blois Nunes (Brazil)




Historia del baile y la Rueda de Casino-Salsa

2017, Spanish / English, author: Alan Silvano (Cuba), Sardiñas Alicia J. (Cuba)

  • From two of the founders of rueda de casino,
  • About the how dances such as the contradanzas, the Quinces parties, the popular and ballroom dances in the 50s and the games in the dances, likely influenced the origin of the casino and rueda de casino. 
  • Spanish version, English version (with free preview of the first pages)




Dancing the beautiful wheel

A guide to rueda de casino

2013, English, author: Ian Smith (UK)


