In the context of Rueda de Casino, the terms “derecha” and “izquierda” are essential directional commands that mean “right” and “left,” respectively. These terms guide the movement of the dancers in the circle, helping to maintain coordination and synchronization.


  • Meaning and Usage: “Derecha” translates to “right” in English. In Rueda de Casino, it’s a directional command that instructs dancers to move or turn towards the right.
  • Function within Rueda: The command “derecha” is commonly used in movements where dancers switch partners or rotate in the circle. It helps the entire group move in unison towards the right, either through simple footwork or in combination with other figures.
  • Practical Application: For instance, a caller may say “Enchufla a la derecha,” which means that the dancers should perform the figure “Enchufla” and then move to the next partner on their right. It ensures that everyone shifts in the correct direction without breaking the flow of the circle.


  • Meaning and Usage: “Izquierda” translates to “left.” In Rueda de Casino, it’s used as a directive for dancers to move or turn towards the left.
  • Function within Rueda: Like “derecha,” the command “izquierda” is crucial for managing the flow of the dance and ensuring that dancers move in a synchronized manner. It is often paired with turns, rotations, or partner switches to guide movement to the left.
  • Practical Application: For example, in a command like “Dile que no a la izquierda,” the dancers would execute the “Dile que no” figure and move towards the left side to switch partners. It ensures the dance keeps its circular form as dancers rotate around each other and their partners.

Together, “derecha” and “izquierda” are fundamental for controlling direction within the Rueda, ensuring that dancers know which way to move when switching partners, changing the direction of the circle, or performing specific figures. They provide essential structure and help maintain the choreography’s flow.

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